American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935 to counter the socialism-inspired Young Pioneer Camps.The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield. At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs. Rayson Miller Post 899 select high school juniors to attend the program. In most cases, individual expenses are paid by the Rayson Miller Post 899.
(Click on poster to download pdf document.)
Thomas Gargan has been accepted to West Point!!
Our Boys State Chairman Bill Rahn received a note today (April 13, 2023) telling him and thanking the Rayson-Miller Post 899 for selecting him to Boys State 2022.
Here is a excerpt from his note to Mr. Rahn.
"Earlier last week, I found out that I have been accepted to the United States Military Academy at West Point. I am super excited and I committed recently. I want to let you know about the news and thank you for the role you played; I am sure Boys State helped my application."
Needless to say we are so proud and excited for Thomas!
Congratulations Thomas Gargan!!!!
Because of Covid-19, the 2021 this program was a virtual event.
The 2021 Boys State program was a virtual event this year. For the safety of all, and to adhere to social distancing guidelines from New York state, Monroe County American Legion will presented a virtual program for Boys State 2021.
This virtual program ran for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon from and including June 27 to July 1. Participation was limited.
Jackson... a Junior at Pittsford Sutherland High School. He is a straight "A" student who's been on the Honor Roll every quarter since he's been in High School. He takes a number of AP courses also. He's very active in his church, he volunteers at Sutherland mentoring Freshmen as they start their High School careers, he is a Child Care Provider. Jackson is also into sports, mainly rowing and wrestling. He is a member of the Entrepreneurs Club and on the school's Debate Team. He is interested in history, politics, and law. He was an overwhelming choice to be a Boys State Delegate representing the Pittsford Community and the Rayson-Miller American Legion.
Bobby... a junior at Pittsford Sutherland High School. He has a GPA of 94, even while taking AP courses. He has won the "Character Award", citing the way he treats others and that is, with dignity and respect. Bobby is also an accomplished pianist named the "Jazz Player of the Year" and a member of the Sutherland Jazz Ensemble and the Eastman Jazz Ensemble. He is active in sports and volunteering. He is the Founder of “GobbleNY" which is a turkey hunting club. Bobby has many other fine attributes and will be a good delegate to send to Boys State representing the Pittsford Community and the Rayson-Miller American Legion.
The American Legion has certain qualifications for prospective Boys State citizens. Following are the recommended guidelines employed by most Boys State programs:
Only males who have successfully completed their junior year of high school and who have at least one more semester remaining are considered. Previous participants of a Boys State competition are not allowed to attend a second session. Only those who illustrate leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty and service in their schools and community should be considered. Merit and ability are the basis for evaluation during the actual citizens selection process.
At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs.
Legion posts select high school juniors to attend the program. In most cases, individual expenses are paid by a sponsoring post, a local business or another community-based organization.
Boys State programs currently exist in all Legion departments in the United States except Hawaii. As separate corporations, Boys State programs vary in content and method of procedure, but each adheres to the same basic concept: teaching government from the township to the state level.
Boys State competitions are in compliance with federal handicap laws. Most programs require a medical/parental consent certificate signed by a parent and registered doctor.
Pittsford’s Rayson-Miller American Legion Post 899 seeks candidates for the Boys State program every year roughly around the end of January to the beginning of February. High school juniors who are 80/B grade or higher in their class and reside in Pittsford, NY, no matter where school is attended (public, private or home schooled) are eligible to apply. The Boys State program will usually takes place the end of June into the beginning of July and is held at SUNY Morrisville State College in Morrisville, New York. Please see flyer for full details.
So if you are interested in applying, check our Facebook page, especially in the January/February time-frame for detailed information on how to apply or download the flyer from the top of this page. Typically we ask applicants to submit a brief bio, letter of interest, and contact information (email/phone/address). Candidates are then chosen and go through an interview process with the Boys State committee chairman and committee members.
These programs teach attendees the working of government, state and local in particular, through practical hands on exercises. Participation in the Boys State program enhances organizational and speaking skills, and is an impressive addition to any college application.
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Our Youth, Community Programs & Veteran Support include: Baseball, Boys State, Boy Scouts, Partnership with Thornell Elementary School, Teens for Veterans, Friends of Rayson-Miller Post 899, Annual Poppy Drive, and Supporting Veterans
Please consider donating today!
Rayson-Miller Post 899 is a 501(c)(19) not for profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible.